Since Lock-down is happening, Wesley Primary School has to do Google Meets. And the Kea teachers thought it was a good idea to split up into classes like we use to do. Instead of classes like Waka Tahi, Waka Rua, And Waka Toru, Instead it What Break out one, Break out two, Etc! And we have different Google meets and today I was in break out three with Whaea Ocea and we were doing Blog commenting. We had to include things in it, We had to introduce ourselves, write something positive about the Blog post, And something helpful they didn't include in their post! We did all of this in Jamboard. This is my example:
I had so much fun re-doing things we use to do in Wesley primary! We also had our main google meet as our Fale! (house in samoan) But I still hope we get to go back to school and do normal things there, But I'm happy Kea teachers included this.